In 1972 a group of three friends, Livain Mallet, Herménégilde Mallet, and Gérard Godin, saw an opportunity to participate in the revitalization of New Brunswick’s oyster industry. The wild fishery had been decimated by Malpèque Disease, a mysterious disease whose cause was never identified, and modern cultivation techniques were needed to re-seed oyster beds. A small backwater inlet was identified as a culture site, and transformed into the perfect oyster habitat.
For them, oysters were a passion project, which was transmitted to the next generation. André Mallet, Livain's son, is at the helm of the company, which has diversified its operation through its oyster farm, wholesale activities, and shellfish hatchery. With a third generation of the Mallet family represented by his sons Marc André and Martin, we are continuing our journey together with a thirst for knowledge, and a love of oysters.